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I'm Female.
I like to spend much of my SL time dancing in the classic rock clubs, most often Ohana, Broken Spoke or Wet Willie's. When I'm in the mood for blues I'll go to Crossroads Biker Bar or Club Voodoo. I have a couple hundred dance animations, so I can match the tempos of the tunes the DJs play. I won't tolerate country music, rap, hiphop or bubblegum pop for more than one or two songs. After which I will "POOF!" to some other location with better music.

I've worked on perfecting my avatar for several years now, until I'm an unabashed hottie. I really enjoy turning heads, but I'm quick to make known that I am not wanting anything more hardcore than some kisses and hugs. I sometimes say raunchy things for laughs, but these should not be taken in any way seriously.

If you are truly interested in me, I like a bit of conversation, especially where it concerns making relationships better, religion, chocolate treats, Second Life or rock 'n' roll.

 I've gotten pretty good with avatar shapes from all the adjustments I've made to my own. If you'd like a custom avatar made for you, contact me and we'll work out the details and a price. I can render a close facsimile of your real life face if you like, or the face of a celebrity. The results are best if you supply two images; one straight-on and the other in profile view.

My RL self is 60, Buddhist and a lover of sports cars. I live in Louisiana,and I love gumbo or boiled crawfish with a bottle of Newcastle Brown. I do NOT love Country music, French music or Zydeco,( God save me please from accordions and nasal singing!)

You'll only find me in Second Life on weekends, just because my SELFISH keyboardist wants to take some time for RL things.

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