After a blazing battle, seems we are finally settled.
Cleaning up the dried up tears, the crusted blood and the stained sweat from my soul
I finally feel like I can say that I feel somewhat as if I am whole.
What turmoil it had been, many times felt like the end
Dealing with many obstacles in its own way addicting
Not wanting to face the harsh realities,
preventing myself from seeing the truth of it.
Looking away from it, but I faced it, took punches from it, received stabs from it,
constantly stomped on by it. Bloodied, wounded, bruised, confused by it all, but I would never fall, strong I always stood, and strong I will forever stand
With the wounds band-aged, the enraged emotional breakdowns are simmered down
I hope they remain this way
All I want is to be able to stay sane, at peace, be free like the summer breeze.
With a Sigh of Relief