10 benefits of repeat lessons for children in Africa

The education of children is one of the causes defended by the NGO Afreek'Ed France. For this reason, she made it her mission to support young people through rehearsal lessons.

We note that repetition lessons have mainly 10 benefits for students.

1- General coordination of learning

Repetition courses are factors in the progression of students. In Africa, one in two children who regularly participate in rehearsal sessions has a good chance of succeeding brilliantly in their exams via reading books https://bookpdf.pk/.

2- Building skills

Rehearsal outside of classroom lessons prepares the child to deliver serious and convincing work. It has been shown that the interval of 15 to 50 minutes of lessons at school is insufficient for a good assimilation of knowledge. It is therefore the rehearsal courses that will ensure their understanding and bring them up to standard.

3- Motivation and attachment to studies

In Africa, rehearsal courses are recognized as being essential tools to avoid demotivation and early dropping out of studies among young people.

4- Means of stabilization and reinvestment

The repetition has the virtue of allowing the acquisition of benchmarks allowing action in various situations. The pupil has the capacities of defense in front of any test which one puts to him to the examinations.

5- intellectual development

For neuroscientists, repetition is a way to stimulate memory. It rhymes with regularity. It is therefore necessary to repeat the same training over a short period of time. In kindergarten, for example, it is advisable to repeat motor activities several times (such as breath games, color games, drawing, hide-and-seek, etc.) to ensure a good training of children's intelligence.

6- Development of automation

As the exams approach, the rehearsal courses allow the candidate to prepare, become autonomous and ready to face all types of subjects. Success is therefore assured.

7- Support and personal advancement

For good support, the family will have to find a time slot that best suits the child and help him do his homework. But not all children have this privilege and are left to fend for themselves. To overcome this, Afreek'Ed works with several volunteer teachers who are responsible for providing rehearsal lessons in schools.

8- Development of an elementary memory mechanism

Repetition ensures stable and consistent connections between neural pathways involved in learning mechanisms. It allows students to test their understanding of concepts and to self-assess. Several scientific studies have shown that testing through exercise is more important and effective than hours spent studying.

9- Transmission of fundamental knowledge

The aim of the rehearsal courses is to transmit the essential of all the information received in class. The brain needs at least three passages to stimulate long-term memory. Our Afreek'Ed volunteers do a remarkable job of synthesis, based on the program established by the teacher, to provide students with fundamental knowledge.

10- Rehearsal and engagement

Rehearsal lessons frees the mind for other tasks. It is also a vehicle for the active engagement of the teachers themselves. The latter being concerned with the progress of the students, give themselves the means to achieve a high percentage of success.

Each year the literacy rate of young people in Sub-Saharan Africa is declining by lack of academic support and follow-up. The rehearsal courses make up for this lack. These are real vectors of motivation and development for the elite of tomorrow.

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